Last week kind of busy week because the big managing director is coming to office. Kau mula gelabah...hehehe
The first thing come out from my mind is "how to converse with him????" OMG! That the only thing I'm scared whenever they come here. dush dush dush -_-"
Hahaha...see I can't speak very well in English but I can write. I'm trying to learn English.. Tapi x lah hebat sgt pown kan... Tu pasal setiap kali calling masuk who's talk with me in English I'll reply in Malay. That's me... Because I know they can speak Malay. Unless oversea people of course kena cakap omputih, kalo cakap Melayu mana depa nk paham kan...hehehe
It's good who's can speak very well but when you talk with people who don't understand don't ever underestimate them. Ok.. Sebab sometimes people like that yg buatkan kita e'eleh....mcm pandai je ckp BI... Sekali kita balas piau punya ayat BI baru depa taw..hehehe
Its good you can learn new languages. At least you can communicate well with people abroad. Whatever it is, we must love our mother tongue. "Bahasa menunjukkan bangsa" cewah...hehehe
Eh...apa motip ek entry nih...huhuhu
Nak cerita...when the big boss ask me about holiday. I want to share with him about the Qurban. Raya Qurban baru2 ni... Bila sampai satu part tu want to tell him we "sembelih" binatang qurban, then ehhhh... Nak ckp macam mana ek. Tak kan nk cakap "cut cut the cow" ....... stuck takat tu... hehehe then he ask another colleague... His face mcm nk taw lebih lanjut but I'm sorry sir my vocab very limited...huhuhu
But still I can converse with him. Since we celebrate his birthday in advance, so he appreciate very much whatever we did. The foods, the surprise. Lovely.
Happy birthday my boss, I'm happy we can work together in order to accomplish company vision and mission. I wish all your wishes comes true.
Till we meet again
So, the moral story is, when you work you can't say you cannot but you must say "I'll try", "I'll give a try". That will measure either you are capable enough or not. Bkn senag nk dapat peluang, when it's come grab it and do very well. Biar seribu halangn mendatang sekali pown, jikalu dah dittapkan sejak azali lagi kata itu rezeki anda, jadi mcm mana sekali pown ia tetap rezeki anda.
Lots of love by TheTiramisuLovers